Sunday, February 23, 2020

Tips On Writing the Ideal Love Scene

If you are reading this, you've doubtlessly spent hours either pining away before the pages of a dreamy romance novel or dreaming up one of your own. If you would rather write one, you will already know that those steamy scenes epitomize the core of this unique genre. Without the quirks and values of love, it just wouldn't be romance. Ever wonder what it takes to write one of these entrancing scenes? If so here are a few tips to help you along:
1. Know Your Characters
Use those traits which are special to each of your characters to highlight their similarities and differences. This spices up any situation. Conflict turns up the heat.

2. Stay In Tune With Your Characters Surroundings
Stay connected with your characters surrounding every little detail counts. Adding touches of surrounding description to a scene adds color and keeps readers connected to the storyline. Describe the color of the leaves. Are they inside in the ballroom or outside in the arbor? Every detail counts.

3. Avoid Cheesy Cliches
Cynical romance readers are easier to come by these days. They will be very grateful to you for avoiding these worn-out lines and far more likely to read more of your books.

4. Turn Up The Heat With Conflict
It may sound crazy to some, but conflict turns up the heat in more than one way- and often simultaneously. Conflict often stems from inner insecurities. Used correctly, this vibrates through the entire scene. For every action is a reaction. This is the key point of this tactic. If your heroine is afraid she might either turn to the hero for security or further rebel against him.

5. Write As If You're In Your Character's Skin
Look through your character's eyes. This sounds like it would be easier said than done but it's not that difficult. Take a moment to relax and, if need, separate yourself from the storyline. Take a minute and view the situation through their eyes as you would if they were your best friend in need of your assistance and you were trying to see their problem in first-person.

Keep watching for further tips. Best of luck writing!


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