Thursday, June 11, 2015


 Hello again,

      It's that time of year again, some people love it and some dread it. I for one always seem to really enjoy my birthday! Whether or not any surprises are in store (and likely there will be, seeing as half of the ideas are partially directed by my son) I will always enjoy this day. The editing process for Almost Wonderful is complete, but that doesn't mean sit back and relax. Trying to cram in as much as I can before July 1st, and life is constantly moving. The books are now listed on the publisher's upcoming release page. Seeing this was a perfect way to start the day!
      So far, in the last couple of months I have had the pleasure of running into both my first grade and sixth grade teachers. Of course, in a town the size of the one I live in, it would happen at the local grocery store. I will admit, in both of these cases I was stunned. The last thing I expected when I wandered in chasing after my son was to run into either of these two people. Both women played a large part in inspiring me to become a writer and I have missed them both! I had hoped my son would get to have both for a teacher just as I did, unfortunately one of the two retired this year. Even so, we have enjoyed a fun start to the summer. I can't wait to see what comes next! I love surprises, do you?
Happy summer everyone!

- Adrienne Davenport

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