The sound of the waves crashing against the shores and the music of a band playing alongside it as the sun sets is one of the most fascinating sensations in the world. Add to that a layover in the fluttering world of a Vegas casino and you're set. I added a photo above to give a genuine visual. Every person, every setting, has something that makes them particular- sets them apart from all others. For these places, it's their unique rythm- the friendly people and easy-going atmosphere. For everyone it's different. Do you have a place you can escape to, if only for a moment, to find a little peace and relaxation? If not, try these:
- Exercise. Exercise is one of the most important things you can do to combat stress. ...
- Consider Supplements. ...
- Light a Candle. ...
- Reduce Your Caffeine Intake. ...
- Write It Down. ...
- Chew Gum. ...
- Spend Time With Friends and Family. ...
- Laugh.
- Listen to your favorite music
Not quite a sweet vacation, but as we all know, life won't wait. Enjoy it while you can!